As a new team member at ESI, I wanted to build a sense of empathy for our SubSource employees by better understanding the experiences you are having when interacting with our ESI support team, and when fulfilling a subbing position at a school site. One of my first projects was the implementation of a SubSource employee satisfaction survey. Much to the surprise of our leadership team, we received over 1,800 responses from all of you. Incredible! There are two newly developed teacher resources that are evidence of how the results from the employee survey are making a difference.
Sub Resource Materials
A common piece of feedback on the survey was sub plans and teaching materials were not always available when the sub arrived at the school site. For those of you who have multiple subbing experiences, I am sure you have had this happen! We know that the key to a successful sub experience is being prepared. The more information you gather, and are provided from the classroom teacher, the better prepared you will be. As a result of your feedback, I have worked with our ESI leadership team to develop two resources that are available to classroom teachers in each of the districts where our subs teach.
The ESI Sub Resource Packet and Sub Tub Template are designed to be completed by the classroom teacher, prior to an absence, as a tool for providing an adequate amount of information to you as the substitute. First, the Sub Resource Packet is a template outlining valuable information you need to know in order to have a successful experience, including class rosters, schedules, procedures, and lesson plans. Yes, most teachers do an incredible job supplying the information you need. This template is designed as a tool for teachers who may not already have access to a similar resource.
The Sub Tub Template complements the Sub Resource Packet. The template is designed to be used by classroom teachers to organize all sub materials for a school day. The materials are placed in a tub that is left for the substitute.
Both of these resources are available to teachers who work within districts where ESI is a partner. We are hopeful that you will begin to see these resources put to use, and we would love to hear from you if you sub for a teacher that utilizes the templates.

Substitute Resource Packet
- Google Doc version
(You will need to be logged into your Google account, then click the link above to copy the template to your account.) - Microsoft PowerPoint version

SubTub Template
- Google Doc version
(You will need to be logged into your Google account, then click the link above to copy the template to your account.) - Microsoft PowerPoint version