Our Team

Amber Bonkoski

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Program Coordinator - RetireRehire

I love being able to help those return to work after retirement and making them feel at ease and letting them know that we will take good care of them. I worked at a district before ESI and was able to see the district side of things, so when employees have questions, I am able to better assist.

I used to coach high school volleyball for both boys and girls. This was a huge passion of mine - coaching has always had a huge place in my heart.

Andy Shirk

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It's a dream come true to lead a company of caring people who create so much good for our community. Helping solve Arizona's staffing crisis in education and public service is deeply meaningful work.

I am blessed to see the positive impact our work creates for our leased employees, the districts and agencies we serve and, in turn, the people of Arizona whose lives are improved. It's an added bonus to see the way this work is uplifting for each member of our ESI corporate family.

Anne Perry

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Program Coordinator - SubSource

I have always enjoyed helping people. I am a former substitute and teacher myself. At the end of the day, knowing that I was able to hopefully brighten at least one person's day makes me smile.

Atasha Clay

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Employee Service Representative

I love it that I can help people in my current role, and I also love the people I work with. In my free time, I like to stroll through the aisles at Target and cook. Also, I weirdly like to clean--it's very therapeutic to me.

Aubrey Fry

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Employee Service Representative

I love advocating and genuinely helping others. Education is close to my heart because school has always been important to me. Now that I am a mother, I feel even more connected to education. It is an honor to work in a supportive role to education.

Becky Tomaszewski

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Client Manager

The best part about my job is getting to know and work with our clients! I enjoy connecting with people and learning more about them, their work, and life. It's important to me that our clients are happy with our services and programs, yet my role is more than that. I enjoy getting to know my contacts personally and building a relationship with them.

Blendelle Hopper

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Hiring Specialist

I enjoy supporting an amazing team of compassionate people and being supported by a team of compassionate leaders. Knowing no matter how small an act, I can have an impact on communities around me.

Chadra Burton

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Sr. Finance Coordinator

I love the complexities of payroll. It is never dull! I also love working with my district partners to make sure our employees are paid what they are owed! The importance of making sure employees are paid for their work, accurately and on time, helps me stay connected. I also love working on this team, it makes the pressure of payroll easier to bear when working with friends.

Dagny Mallory

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Finance Supervisor

One of my favorite things to do is find issues and figure out solutions. This job provides ample opportunity for this in many different areas. I have a very linear brain so accounting makes lots of sense to me. Since I am also a problem solver, I continually look for ways to make things run more efficiently/effectively.

I take a deep breath when I have completed what I set out to do for the day - checking things off my list makes me smile. I also smile knowing I now have time to relax and recharge.


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Employee Service Representative

Bio coming soon

Debbie Polliack

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Finance Coordinator

I love being part of the payroll team and ensuring all teachers get paid for their hard work. It is satisfying to help people who spend their life educating the young. Few professions have more of a long term impact on society.

I enjoy being part of a well coordinated team. We work well together to get the weekly payroll and all other payroll functions completed. Completing the varied tasks give me a good feeling inside.

Emily Gaudet

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Employee Service Representative

I enjoy getting to help the helpers! I have so much respect for educators and greatly admire the hard work they do.

At the end of the day, I enjoy watching funny animal videos and eating a great meal!

Gabby Martin

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Human Resources Coordinator

Bio coming soon.


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Hiring Specialist

What I love about my job is that everyone is so nice! There's great communication, people are so helpful, and everyone's sense of humor is hilarious which makes for an awesome atmosphere.

In my free time, I like to listen to music, cook, and chill at home.

Jerrica Plecker

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Director of Finance

I love the ESI Family! We truly have a special team that makes each day enjoyable. I've always been drawn to numbers and knowing that what we do on a daily basis directly impacts the communities we serve, is truly rewarding!

At the end of the day, my daughter makes me smile because she's truly the best thing about me!

Jocelyn Phok

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Director of Operations

I love our ESI family and culture. Doing work that positively impacts our community, alongside people with such big hearts is truly special.

Everyday, I get to combine my education and business administration experience in my role at ESI. The work is even more meaningful because I have school-aged kids of my own, so I approach every operational decision with that lens.

Kim Gibbs

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Human Resources Officer

The best part of my HR work is serving others. It's important to be intentional on how we ensure each employee achieves their fullest potential. HR is impactful because you know employee welfare and happiness is part of our responsibility. Everyday is something new with many opportunities to collaborate for success.

What makes me smile at the end of the day is knowing our ESI family makes a difference!

Lisa Valenzuela

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Hiring Specialist

I love being able to help people through the hiring process, especially because it can sometimes be confusing on where to begin, but we have a lot of good information and tips to help people through it. I used to serve in restaurants and I feel this job is similar because of the customer service aspect, which I really enjoy.

Maura Martinez

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Finance Administrator

I really enjoy working with our clients! I really do love all the individuals I work with that I now get to call family. I enjoy knowing that we are having a positive impact on the education of many children and young adults in Arizona.

Megan Von Burg

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Employee Service Manager

My life has always been filled with educators; from my aunt and uncle, sisters, husband, and in-laws I have come to appreciate the influence that a highly-qualified and dedicated educator can have on a student. Now that my own children are school-aged, the impact that an entire school community can have on family has become even more evident and a cherished source of support.

Mitch Craver

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Director of Information Technology

I love working with technology and writing code that allows our teams to efficiently ensure the success of our clients. Every day, I get to work with fantastic people who really put our clients first.

My educational background is in information management. After moving to Arizona, I worked at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at ASU. While there, I led various technology projects and supported future teachers with systems and technology. My role at ESI has allowed me to bridge my experience and education together for our team and clients.

Renae Severson

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Finance Administrator

I love my co-workers and we have such great teamwork! ESI has great employees. It makes it easier to go into the office when pleasant, friendly people are around. I am task oriented and very organized! Which is definitely needed in the financial world.

Robert Morse

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Program Manager

I love working with our team. I love the variety of the work I am doing at ESI. I love that I am able to support educators in a way that I have not done in the past.

The work that I am doing now is a culmination of all of my experiences over the course of my career. Marketing, teaching, professional development, managing, and creating.


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Employee Service Representative

I love bringing joy to our clients and employees. Being able to relate to employees and know that I am making a difference brings a smile to my face.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband.


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Hiring Specialist

Bio coming soon

Sara Bleach

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Finance Coordinator

I love speaking with our employees and future employees and helping to answer their questions. It makes me feel like I'm supporting the heroes from the background.

Our educators are in the classrooms doing the important work day in and day out. Being available to answer any questions that come up being/becoming an ESI employee is an absolute pleasure and makes me feel connected to the bigger picture of the work we do and the districts that we serve.

Serena English

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Client Manager

I love the relationships that I have built with my clients, my coworkers, and the many opportunities I have to interact with and assist our employees every day.

Teresa Reza

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Programs Coordinator

I love helping people and making a difference in our education system by partnering up with our district contacts and hiring teachers and staff to fill the classrooms and make sure our students are taken care of. I enjoy having an amazing team and group of people to work with. Leadership in ESI is just amazing and allows me to grow and connect each day.


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Employee Service Representative

Coming soon

Trissa Bouwhuis

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Finance Assistant

I love helping others and giving back to the community. I absolutely love the people that I work with. We all get along and work really well together. In my free time, I like to sew, relax in the pool, go to the park with my kids, do yoga, and listen to audiobooks.